Welcome to Myanmar Health Assistant Association
HistoryMyanmar Health Assistant Association is established in 1953 along with the government’s program to have rural health care professionals in the shortage of medical professionals after expatriate doctors left the country.
Unfortunately, under Burma Socialist Programme Party government, MHAA could not function due to the suppression of civil society. In 1994, under State Law and Order Restoration Council government, MHAA was reactivated and registered at Ministry of Home Affairs as a non-government organization (registration number - 1754).
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Vision A Society attains quality of life having an access to equitable health services.
Mission MHAA is a national association of public health professionals striving towards accessible and equitable quality public health services through health promotion, prevention and control of diseases.
MHAA will stand as a united, independent organization earning public trust and international recognition.
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Partners and Source of Funding
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Contact To MHAA
TB Hospital Road, Aungsan, Insein Township ,Yangon, Myanmar.
Ph:+95 1 3645722